Slow Days in the Darling Downs
Robert Whiteley
A hundred and fifty clicks from Brisbane in the Darling Downs is the small farming town of Nobby. A little further on is a one-bedroom farm house where 7 children were raised more than 100 years ago.
More recently this cottage has been restored and the veranda is the perfect location to watch slow days of the Darling Downs unfold.
West of the Great Dividing Range, the landscape consists of rolling hills which is dominated by wheat and grazing country, occasionally intermingled with other cash crops. The fauna that has been here for millennia has adapted and, in some cases, benefited from the farming environment.
Daybreak is always the best time to be out. Coming heat of the day is yet to develop and slumber has turned foraging to stave away hunger.
Too many of us don’t venture away from the cities that house the majority of us. A short trip is well worth the adventure. Not only is the countryside different, so are the birds this side of the range. It is also great therapy to escape the chaos.
Author Bio: Robert works in the tech industry and uses his camera as a relaxation pursuit. He has been posting an image a day on his photoblog for more than 4,000 days - that's over 10 years. To see more, check out