Two Native Black Birds
Danielle Corrie

A knock at the front door interrupts a phone call. "Do you know there are black galahs in your front yard?"
"Black galahs" I thought." What's a black galah? "
Quickly yet quietly taking a step outside, I stand on my front deck and look outwards. My eyes light up as I see two large black and yellow birds feeding off my banksias oblivious to all the attention given to them. Only once before, almost six years to the day, I remember seeing these very same species feed off my banksia bush.
I slowly walk out into the street and stand about six feet away, directly opposite these magnificent birds. I become totally immersed in their majestic power as they allow me to stand so close. My whole world has stopped with the exception of me and these two native birds making themselves at home feeding off my banksias.
While I'm standing and watching these birds for over 20 minutes, white sulphur-crested cockatoos squawk as they fly from one gum tree to another, and cars drive by in the street.
What are these two birds you ask? They are not black galahs but yellow tailed black cockatoos.

Danielle Corrie is a writer and published author of the book Teida's Story, with a great passion for nature, gardening, and the environment, creating a native garden in her home for the many birds that visit each and every day.